IPL Photofacial
Conveniently Located to Serve the Dallas, Fort Worth, Collin, and Denton Counties.
Conveniently Located to Serve the Dallas, Fort Worth, Collin, and Denton Counties.
Conveniently Located to Serve the Dallas, Fort Worth, Collin, and Denton Counties.
What is IPL?
Intense pulsed light is a technology designed to target varies skin imperfections such as sun spots, uneven pigmentation, acne, and redness/vascularity of the skin.
How is IPL performed?
The IPL device is similar to a laser. The handpiece is gently pressed onto the skin, with a smooth, transparent surface emitting a bright light on the targeted areas.
Can I do IPL if I am pregnant?
It is not recommended to receive IPL treatments while pregnant.
Is IPL painful?
IPL uses intense blasts of light and heat which can be uncomfortable, depending on the treatment, your skin type and condition, and your own pain tolerance. Most patients compare the sensation to that of flicking of a rubber band. In some cases, we use topical numbing cream to decrease any discomfort associated with the treatment.
How many treatments of IPL will I need?
On average, 3-6 IPL treatments performed 4-6 weeks apart are sufficient to treat and correct skin depending on your target and your expectation of results.
Are there other contraindications to IPL?
Common contraindications for IPL include (but are not limited to) pregnancy, breast feeding, sunburn, tanned skin, irritated skin, herpes virus, laser hair removal photosensitizing medications such as antibiotics, Accutane use within the past 6 months, and use of retinols or acid products within the past 48-72 hours.
Is IPL safe for all skin types and colors?
Not everyone is suitable for IPL. IPL works best for Fitzpatrick skin types 1-3 (lighter skin tones), depending on the type of IPL device and what you are specifically treating for. For darker skin types, there is a higher risk of pigmentation issues like post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) or burning of the skin that could occur.
Who is a good candidate for IPL?
Best candidates for IPL treatment are usually skin types 1-3 on the Fitzpatrick scale. IPL treatments are recommended for patients with lighter skin tones looking to treat sun damage, pigmentation, brown spots, rosacea, mild acne, redness, and vascularity concerns.
Is IPL safe?
IPL is safe when performed by a trained skincare professional. However, there are some risk such as burns or blistering that could occur, but are rare. We recommend starting IPL treatments in the fall or winter to avoid sun exposure which is the biggest contraindication.
What is the downtime with IPL?
As IPL does not break the surface of the skin, you can immediately apply makeup to cover redness. It is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise, sweating, or adding extra heat to skin immediately following IPL treatments up to 24 hours. Be sure to use skincare gentle products during the healing process and if peeling or flaking do occur, do not pick for risk of pigmenting skin.
What can I expect after IPL?
After an area has been treated with IPL it will look and feel like a sunburn. This sensation may persist for a few hours post-treatment. It is common for brown pigment to get darker within the next few days while making its way to the surface; then flaking off 7-14 days later to reveal fresher newer skin.
How can I set up a consultation for an IPL Photofacial?
Call or text Texas Facial Aesthetics at 469-362-6975 to set up a consultation with either Dr. Matthew Richardson or Dr. Jordan Cain. You can also email us at info@txfaces.com for more information.